Saturday, January 23, 2010

wow! these Chinese people . why they are so good at what ever they do?THINK

EVEN the hackers too!

They breached our security system &
now they cracked the military files oh my god!How?  THINK

What books they study????

We have billions of dollars rolling in our education system.BUT they have every solutions before we think of the  problem.

They made every utilities so cheap and ready to go ,How? THINK  cameras to christmas trees

They hacked our system ,then how secure is our security system ? THINK

We have the greatest markets , malls,super malls but MAXIMUM  filled with Chinese products,why ? THINK

We are the second largest population of the world ,BUT maximum number of  medals of olympics are taken either by China or USA? THINK

All the maintenance of  Road works,Rail works,Pipelines,Electricity  Files, Court cases..... are Pending or unfinished .Causes shown are less man power ! why? THINK
They show us there importance in our life and where we fail .why ?THINK
 When will we understand ---our Own needs,Educational values,Poverty problems, Unemployment, Strength of our population and our drawbacks.
                                Please let our system to
TEACH us to get sucess from our faults,failures& drawbacks

TEACH us what we can use in life,TEACH us that our population  is our strength as they showed us in Olympics.

TEACH us to THINK  like an INDIAN not as Bengali,Marathi,Bihari………

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